2024年1月16日- 2024年4月26日

本学期新内容: 辅导可以预约安排. 如果有家教空缺的话,Walkins会来的.
If 你 haven't yet, please create 你r account here: ltu.mywconline.com

辅导 is available Monday-Friday in the AAC, and Saturday and Sunday in the 图书馆.
24/7 online tutoring with TutorMe is located below after the FAQs. 



If 你 meet with a tutor, 你 将 need to create an appointment. However, 你 can make an appointment on the spot if a tutor is available.

我已经创建了一个用于测试的帐户. 我需要再做一个吗?
No. You only need to make one account for both testing and tutoring services. 

点击上面的链接. If 你've never created an account with WCOnline, 你 将 need to create one with 你r 利记sbo email. Once 你 log in, 你 can select 你r main subject area. 从那里, 选择你喜欢的日子, time, select 你r tutor (if 你 have a 具体的 one 你'd like to meet with, otherwise leave this set as "any available") then select 你r focus (具体的 course.)这将显示精确匹配,或接近匹配. 然后点击预订.

是的! This semester we do have limited tutoring available for both late nights and weekends. 这些约会将在图书馆举行. 选择写着“晚上”的日程表 & 周末图书馆辅导”,看看你的选择.

是的! This new system allows 你 to schedule a weekly or biweekly appointment with a 具体的 tutor if 你'd like to meet with them frequently.

我们知道有些事情会发生. If 你 need to cancel 你r appointment, please make sure to log back in and cancel the appointment. 这样导师就能帮助别人.

我很难找到合适的人选. 你有日历给我看看吗?
As of now, we are no longer creating a PDF of the tutor schedule. However, on 你r WCOnline profile at the bottom, 你 can set 你r display to "Calendar Display." This 将 change the view to show blank white spaces for open availability under each schedule. You can click in one of these spaces and schedule there.

是的! This new system allows for anonymous feedback based on 你r experience. Please answer these surveys so we can make sure that we are serving 你 to the best of our ability.




我们与 TutorMe to provide FREE online tutoring for 利记sbo students 24/7.


Each registered student received an email with instructions on how to set up 你r account. 如果你找不到那封邮件,请转到  tutorme.com ,输入您的电子邮件,然后单击“忘记密码”. 
If 你 have trouble accessing 你r account, please contact  aac@smashmello.com 寻求帮助.

而辅导是我们的主要职能之一, the AAC has materials in various formats to help students build their learning skills. 学习技巧的讲义, 补充课本的数学视频, and online grammar exercises and writing tips are just some of the study aids available.

Regardless of whether 你r need is for tutoring in a tough subject, 小组学习, or simply looking to lift 你r spirits on days when 你’re not feeling motivated to study, AAC是获得支持的好地方. Stop in and explore the resources that are available to assist 你.

你在找什么? 在线资源 利记sbo学术支持? 你知道一个很好的在线资源吗? 电邮至  aac@smashmello.com !


  • We help 你 improve 你r understanding by discussing mathematical concepts and 方法.
  • We provide explanations for material appearing in the text, 你的课堂笔记, 以及以前评分的测试或作业.
  • We help 你 identify key concepts and 方法 by comparing and contrasting sample problems.
  • We help 你 develop independent problem solving skills by offering assistance with exercises 你 attempt to solve.
  • We identify errors in organization and mathematical notation to help 你 identify and correct errors in 你r own written solutions.
  • We offer guidance and resources to help 你 review concepts, 方法, and identities prerequisite to 你r present math course.


  • 我们不会帮你做作业.
  • We do not error-check, nor do we correct any assignments to be submitted for a grade.
  • We do not provide comprehensive presentations of material 你 missed due to class absences, nor do we discuss with 你 topics for which 你 have not yet read the applicable sections of the text.
  • 如果你没有准备好去识别 具体的 concepts or problems with which 你 are having difficulty, or are unable to provide evidence that 你 have attempted to work on that material previously, 我们帮不了你.


  • We help 你 improve 你r understanding by discussing scientific concepts and 方法.
  • We provide explanations for material appearing in the text, 你的课堂笔记, 以及以前评分的测试或作业.
  • We help 你 understand 你r errors on 你r earlier (graded) assignments.
  • We help 你 identify key concepts and 方法 by comparing and contrasting sample problems.
  • We try to identify analogous sample exercises that exercise the skills needed to complete graded assignments. The analogous problems 将 not, in general, involve a mere replacement of numbers.
  • We help 你 develop independent problem solving skills by offering assistance with exercises 你 attempt to solve.
  • We offer guidance and resources to help 你 review concepts and 方法 prerequisite to 你r present science course.
  • We identify skills needed to complete lab assignments. We answer a limited number of 具体的 and narrow technical questions about the laboratory calculations. The majority of our efforts, here, 将 be to eliminate one or two stumbling blocks that prevent 从你自己完成作业开始.


  • We do not complete graded homework or other assignments for 你. We do not “watch” 你 do the assignments in our presence, except to establish the nature of 你r misunderstandings.
  • We do not error-check, nor do we correct any assignments to be submitted for a grade.
  • We do not provide comprehensive presentations of material 你 missed due to class absences, nor 将 we discuss with 你 topics for which 你 have not yet read the applicable sections of the text.
  • 如果你没有准备好去识别 具体的 concepts or problems with which 你 are having difficulty, or are unable to provide evidence that 你 have attempted to work on that material previously, 我们帮不了你.
  • We do not provide detailed directions on the analysis of 你r own laboratory data.